Monday, August 31, 2009

Joshua had some friends over, and now my house smells like a heart attack.

They call it the Bacon Explosion:
two pounds of bacon weaved
around more bacon,
two pounds of sausage, bacon bits,
and a tub of barbeque sauce.

My stove and I are still a little traumatized, but hopefully a few veggie burgers from now we'll have suppressed the entire event.

And that's all, folks!

The Lion of Food

Yesterday was our 3 month anniversary, which means we've been getting our groceries at Food Lion for about the same time (though we also get them at farmer's markets, target, wal-mart, etc...). We only live a mile from Food Lion and since we pass it at least twice a day we end up there often - on average at least twice a week (if not more).

We've both noticed that while most of the time the cashiers are very friendly, we occasionally get a cashier that extremely rude and actually seems mad at us (and the same cashier will have been nice the visit before and the next trip).

As we made our way to the check out aisle today we noticed (for the first time in maybe "40 times," according to Karis), that two of the 8 aisles had "express lane" signs above them.

The signs aren't near the lane number or the register or the counter, but instead are hanging from the ceiling in the worst possible spot.

We're now wondering if our rude service has stemmed from the fact that we've taken whole shopping carts through the express lane before.

We've also seen a lot of other people take cart loads through there before, so we wonder if other regulars are just as lost as we were.

(ps. Karis just got back from a second trip to Food Lion and said she was about to write a post saying this same exact thing, and just said she's going to write a letter to the company.)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

This is Karis posting as Joshua

I am too lazy/exhausted to remember how to sign into my own name.

So, this summer has definitely been an incredible one, and this fall is looking like it will be more than slightly intense.

Around the end of June, I took a job working at a NYC themed bagel shop in a small city about 45 minutes from here, fairly close to where Joshua was working. It was a rediculously easy job, and became oppressively monotonous about two weeks in. Probably the worst part about it was the schedule it forced us to have: Wednesday - Sunday I had to leave the house at six am, and on the weekdays, didn't get home until around 6pm. Joshua had the weekends off, so for those 6 weeks we didn't have a single full day to spend together. It was pretty hard on us.

My last day there was on a Sunday in the begining of August, the same day that a handful of Joshua's friends from college came to visit. We had a great time with them - I haven't laughed that hard in ages. They are just this incredible group of people, and I was so touched by the way they care, their generosity, and their overall maturity. It was a really great time for me to get to know Joshua's friends better, and it was a great time for us all to relax and really enjoy summer. We had a cookout, played games, they cooked for us, we went on a field trip to the nature center, and watched a couple (okay, seven) episodes of Firefly. Awesome, awesome times were had.

This past Monday I started back at school. It feels like i've already been in the semester for a month, and it feels like I've already done more schoolwork than I did all of last semester combined. I'm taking Speech, The Study of Asian Culture & Tradition, A Survey of American Literature, Intro to Nursing, Anatomy and Phisiology, A&P Lab, and Sociology. It doesn't sound like a lot when I write it all down, but in reality, I have about4 hours reading to do per day. And on top of that I have a slew of papers, research projects, speeches, exams, etc etc. Also, I begin training again a few weeks ago, so I've been getting up early and hitting the pavement as soon as the sun starts to show itself.

I've only had 2 minor anxiety attacks, and the first (hardest) week is over.

I just hope I can make it through the next fifteen.

On that note, I am going to flagarently skip my workout for this morning, and push it back to this evening.

There's cold (homemade) pizza in the fridge and my Lit readings are calling for my attention.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer is Over

Wow, our last post was in June and now it's August; where did the summer go? The time seemed to go by so quickly, and while I feel like a lot has happened I can't think of what to write here; that's probably a good thing because if I did remember it all right now I'd be writing for days. Maybe during the next couple weeks I'll fill in anything really important that we missed reporting this summer.

Well, Karis went back to school this week. She was very excited, and although she's still excited she's also already really busy doing school work. She's taking 18 credits plus a lab for A&P, so she was studying most of last night (mainly terms and body parts/sections).

In other news I'm going back to school too. I'm taking an online class to be certified to be a substitute teacher (at the same time I'm looking for jobs that aren't as a substitute teacher, but it doesn't hurt to be certified). Besides a few online quizzes, the main requirement for my class is that I spend 14 hours on the class website reading different information my professor posted. I've never been required in a class to spend a predetermined amount of time doing anything, let alone surfing the net; but we can't just sign on and watch tv instead because the website keeps track of what pages we view and how long we're viewing them.

And that's all for now.