Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hot: Summer; Not: School

School is done for Karis for the semester, but she has summer school starting tomorrow for 6 weeks (or so). She'll be taking an economics course and the finishing all her pre-reqs (again) in the Fall.

I'm almost done with school: 6 different classrooms in these next 5 days, then memorial day and then only 5 more days of school!

We already have a lot of plans for the summer, weddings, camping, roadtrips... and working; Karis would probably like to spend the whole summer swimming, but you can't swim in the river and there's not really a good place around here to do it.

Still, summer will be good, but Karis said she already can't wait until Fall.

Friday, May 7, 2010


For 3 days this week, and 2 days next week, I'm subbing for an inclusive kindergarten (and we went to the zoo today). But my real reason for writing this is that outside the school, there is a killdeer nest.

There were 4 eggs, and 3 of them hatched today (in case you are wondering, both "killdeers" and "killdeer" are accepted plurals). Killdeer chicks are precocial, but they weren't up and running - both parents were there, however, the mother on the nest and the father was 10 yards away.

Because they are shore birds, I originally didn't think Killdeer lived in this area (even though Karis and I live down the street from Killdeer Ave).

Killdeers nest basically on the ground, often on gravel, and this one was nested a foot off the parking lot. Apparently she nests there each year, but this was the first year her chicks hatched (every other year the eggs were run over).

Unfortunately, the other teachers got WAY too close and scared the mother off the nest - Killdeers will do a "broken wing display" too distract predators. While it was fun to watch, I felt really bad for the Killdeer. Some people will just go too far for a "cute" picture.

(The above pictures are not from today, but are ones I found online.)