Monday, September 28, 2009

I can't believe it's only been a months since I wrote that last entry. Jeeze it feels like a lifetime ago..

House starts soon so this will be an ultra-lame update about our lives.

Here are some quickies:

1. I am really ashamed & embarrassed to talk of my newfound House obsession. I pretend that it's for the medical content ("He just said 'pituitary' I KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!") but really that's a complete lie. I'm just not used to being one of those TV-watchers. (Well, I've never been ashamed of watching watching Rachel Maddow. But she doesn't count as tv.)

2. To toot my own horn: My coursework is overwhelming. Six classes didn't sound like too much to handle when I signed up for them three months ago... but I spend way more time on them than I anticipated. This is the first real attempt that I've made at school (I floated through high school and never put any real effort into college classes ) and it's proving to be highly successful. I guess having motivation is key after all..

3. Playing rummy has turned into a daily activity in our house. (Don't tell Joshua I told you, but I kick his butt at that game)

4. As has reading Star Wars... you'll have to wait for Joshua's post to hear more about that one though

5. We are SO happy. Even though Joshua has been having more of a difficult time finding a job that we thought, which is obviously frustrating and sometimes scary, we are taking the good with it. It's such a wonderful time of life. We've been spending our early fall afternoons by going on picnics, long walks in the woods, reading out loud to each other, having adventures in the kitchen, and just plain being in love.

6. Randomly: Although we honor our marriage through our daily actions and lifestyle, we've started a tradition. On the 30th day of every month, Joshua and I have ice cream to celebrate. (If having ice cream doesn't sound like a big deal to you, you obviously haven't met my husband. Or me for that matter. We take that delicious frozen dairy delicacy very seriously.)

On that note, I am going to go downstairs, watch a new episode of a very entertaining - albeit mindless - television show and enjoy sharing this wonderful life with such a wonderful man. Joshua I mean. Not House.